DESCENT FREESPACE: THE GREAT WAR (Interplay) Here's everything you need to know to see off this spacey action thriller... During a mission, type 'freespacestandsalone' to access all the movies in the tech room. A HUD message will indicate that the cheat has been enabled. Also during a mission, type ''. This enables the following key combinations to be input while holding the '~' key: Shift-C Toggle availability of countermeasures for all ships K Kill target Alt-Shift-K 10% damage to target Shift-K Destroy targeted subsystem Alt-K Player takes 10% damage I Invulnerability on/off Shift-I Toggle invulnerability on target O Toggle Descent-style physics W Infinite weapons for player only Shift-W Infinite weapons for all ships (including player) C Message enemies G Mark all primary goals complete Shift-G Mark all secondary goals complete Alt-G Mark all bonus goals complete 9 Scroll forward through secondary weapons Shift-9 Scroll back through secondary weapons 0 Scroll forward through primary weapons Shift-0 Scroll back through primary weapons R Issue rearm request for target (or for player, if no target is selected) As well as those spanking tips, we have these handy pointers: • Use the Match Speed feature to get right on your opponent's tail. • Destroy your enemies' shields before finishing them off with missiles. • Proper shield management is important; increasing your shield recharge rate is always a good idea.